Voxeology 2020

‘Voxeology’ (2020)

In what language can one speak the effect of being silenced?’ (Elissa Marder)

Made during Lockdown, Voxeology (2020) weaves a conversation between archaeological and psychoanalytical terminologies, to trace the residue of buried feminine trauma, that travel across time and space. The apple is an ‘active agent’ which continues to haunt, through the Biblical story of Eve, Myth, and Fairytales. The audio track, creates an affective response. Made up of the sounds of women eating apples, this archeological acoustic, echoes a sense of humour often concealed within everyday acts of refusal. Women’s laughter, holds a power to provoke, associated with the figure of the unruly, the dangerous, the one who bites the apple, like Eve, or the one who ‘writes herself’ like Helene Cixous’s Medusa, who is ‘not deadly. She's beautiful and she's laughing’.
